Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Welcome to My Life

Hey everyone, I'm Julia (but most people call me jules). (Ok maybe I shouldn't say everyone yet.. So.. hey mom!) 
I've wanted to start a blog for the looooongest time, (I had one in 5th grade, you can probably imagine how that ended up) and I've finally decided to just (wo)man up and do it. I've never been good at keeping a journal of my life, so I'm not sure how this is going to go. Im hoping that some day I'll be able to look back on this blog and miss my teenage days. 

This is me (isn't the background gorgeous aahhhh I was at one of my favorite places ever)

I live in Western Pennsylvania, I'm 15, and I'm in 10th grade. (I'm dreading going back to school next week.) I was born and halfway raised in South West Washington, I moved to PA in late July of 2007. I know it's a funny term "born and halfway raised" but I don't know what else to say, because I wasn't all the way raised there. 
I have two older brothers, who are 18 and 20, and a little sister who's 5. My brothers live in Oregon with our dad. I live with my mom, step dad (who is freakin awesome btw. Some people get stuck with sucky step-parents, but mine is great) and sister. 
I absolutely adore photography and I bring my camera with me almost everywhere I go (not school.) Similar to a lot of other teenage girls, I'm really into fashion and makeup. I even have a YouTube channel about it! I love making videos, it's honestly such a great way to express myself. I'm a hopeless romantic, and I'm always trying to be optimistic, but sometimes the pessimist in me takes over. It's okay, it happens to everyone sometimes. 
This blog will just be a place to share my thoughts on random things, and I may post a few fashion or beauty things every now and then. 

until next time- Julia 

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